Tomb Raider The Last Revelation ****PART ONE**** The Last Revelation is a truly epic game, so it's no surprise we couldn't fit the whole guide into four pages. Even spread over two issues, there's just no way of giving you a step-by-step tour of each level, but we can certainly help you through the trickier thinking bits. Just remember: there's no substitute for amazing acrobatic skills. The Tomb Of Seth Follow the torch-bearing man until he lowers a block. Stick your hand inside the hole and trace back your steps to collect the golden object. When you arrive at a room with a similar piece, wait until your guide sets off the blade trap to pick it up. Combine both objects in your inventory and slot them in the hole to your right. Carry on to the tiled room and pull the chain. To light the torches in the right order, jump from lighted tile to lighted tile, first right, then up, left, and up again. Join the guide once more until he runs off, place the sand clock you've just picked up into the statue's hands, head back and crawl into the sphinx's mouth. Burial Chambers Pick up the Hand of Orion and jump through the spike traps and down a slope where you can place the object in a hole in the wall. At the sarcophagus, pick up the Amulet of Thorns and follow the streams of blood into a room with a statue in the centre. Push the statue onto a blue-and-red square on the floor and follow the corridor. Pick up the golden serpent and escape through the open gate on the wall. Slide down and sprint to the left to avoid the spikes and wait until the room fills with sand. Go back to the main cave, head up the stone steps and turn left to cross the bridge. Drop down the hole, head under the spikes, climb the blocks and pull the lever. Go through the freshly opened gate and keep going to the next lever, which rotates the main room. Return there, slide to the floor and pick up the Hand of Sirius. Go where there's a hole in the wall in front and below you, and go in. Pull the lever and head back to climb up to the star-shaped hole. Put the Hand of Sirius there, collect another golden serpent and enter the temple doorway. Use the snakes in the slots to get out. Valley Of The Kings Kill every bugger in sight, one of which will drop a set of keys you can use to drive the jeep. It's not a race against the other car, so just follow the track. KV5 Keep driving until you get to the closed gate. Get out of the jeep, kill the tuareg and climb to the top of the right-hand scaffolding. Jump across to the other side using the rope and then jump onto the lever. Get back in the jeep and drive on up a slope, avoiding the spike balls, then carry on, sticking to the right side as much as possible. Temple Of Karnak When Lara looks to her right through the doorway, climb up, press the buttons in the holes in the wall and pick up Canopic jar 1. Head back out into the open and climb the ruins to your left to find an opening in the ground. Shimmy across one of the empty pools and press the button on the raised platform. Go through the newly opened door and you'll end up between two statues. Put the jar behind the one on your right, climb through an opening in the wall and head back to the doorway flanked by columns from the beginning. There another door will have opened to the next level. The Great Hypostyle Hall Run outside, climb through the hole and down the long corridor. Jump over the pit and keep going. The Sacred Lake In the water you'll find two holes, go down the one with the slab over it by pulling the lever beneath the gate. In the room with the mirror, swim up to the hole to find Canopic jar 2, then go down the second hole at the bottom of the lake. This takes you back to the Temple of Karnak where you can put the second jar in the back of the other statue. Swim into the tunnel, push the button and get the Sun Goddess statue and the Hypostyle key. Now head all the way back to the tall, thin column and to the Hypostyle Hall. Climb into the narrow tunnel and use your key to enter the next room. Get to the lever on the right-hand wall and go up to the second hall. Go down to the three rooms containing lightning rods. You need to make them all face the spiked pillar. Climb up and make the rods face the central pillar. Go back down, pull the chain and combine the golden rock with the statue you already have. Drop down the hole back to the sacred lake and put the statue in the middle of the island. Enter the middle door. The Tomb Of Semerkhet Avoid the roaches by hanging on to the ceiling. Take the piece of wood and light it before going down, activating the hole buttons and going back to the centre level. Go down the hole, take steps left, climb up the ladder and then stand in front of the three flames. Do the one on the right, then the centre, then go to the new room, work your way through the buttons and swing out. Get the rules, read them and play by jumping on the tiles of the appropriate colour, moving a piece at a time. Get to the room with three mirrors, go to the room above and block the light by moving the stones onto the corresponding colour tile. Guardian of Semerkhet Go left in the map room, pull the wheel and run across before the door closes. Get the Golden Vraeus, put in the triangle on the wall of the map room, get the guardian key and use it to get to the corridor below. Pull the lever and get away from the beast, shimmy across the ceiling into the corridor and examine each flame hole twice. Go down and make the beast smash the door by jumping before he hits you, then get him to charge into the pillars. Desert Railroad It's a case of jumping across carriages and killing all the ninjas. At the end, use the crowbar on the lever socket. Alexandria Talk to your friend with the bad French accent in the main house, jump on to the orange tiled roof and drop on to the lever. Coastal Ruins Shoot your way into the fun house, get the crossbow by looking in the mirror at the floor and use the explosive ammo with it in the shooting range. Grab the coin and use it on the fair machine, go up, take the broom handle and the hook and combine them to get the keys from the keys near the entrance. Go out and keep going past the water and use the key on the gate. Catacombs Press the button and go back to the hanging boulder in the level before and into the pit beneath it. Light the torch and enflame the rope. Go down and use the crowbar on the gate. Drag the pillar on to the brown tile and head back to the catacombs. Push the block into the corridor as far as you can, reunite the ghost with its body by running into the other room, climb down the bamboo pole and pull the lever. Swing across and through the water. Keep pulling levers and jumping on to ledges until another ghost attacks you. Exorcise it by swimming into one of the side rooms. Make your way to the Trident (you'll find another one higher up) and follow the tunnel to the start of the level. Climb down and find the third and fourth Trident and use the crowbar on the gate. Get back to the catacombs, slide down and go up the white steps. Temple Of Poseidon Take the small door straight ahead out of the five to use the Trident on a statue. Do the same with the rest, make it to the coffin chamber and open the middle coffin. The Lost Library Take the second door on the left and kill all knights by shooting them in their gem hearts. The one on a horse will leave his behind. Take it and put it in the slot a few rooms behind. Now head back, collecting the star from the middle pillar and take the right-hand door to the room with the big cog and swim down for more stars. Head back to the start of the level and enter the door nearest the giant vase. Put the three stars in their slots and put all the planets in the circles on the floor (blue in the middle, then grey, green, brown and gold in the final ring). Push down the first statue and then walk round clockwise doing the rest, making sure the fire spirit doesn't get you on your way to the balcony of the first room. Go right and drop down the monkey's nose until you're hanging off its lip and go into its mouth. Get the Pharaoh's pillar, stand on the two grates to light the pedestals and light the torch. Throw it on to the wooden floor, grab the music scroll and make your way back to the harp, which you should then play. Hall Of Demetrius Drag the lantern in front of the slope. Now go to the coastal ruins and swim through an underwater tunnel into the next level. Pharaohs, Temple Of Isis Put the pillar in the left side of the temple and the knot in the right side. Swim down the open door, open the three green doors and use the crowbar on the two beetles in the walls near the big statue. Go down the hole, get the winding key and push the panel on the left. Go back to where you killed a Pharaoh bird and use the beetles on the black pyramid you'll eventually get to. Slide into the gasoline and get two more beetles before you're set alight. Place the unbroken one on the pyramid, collect another beetle and repeat the process, and go to the set of steps near the beginning to get the last scarab. Many acrobatics later, put it in its slot in the pyramid, get the mechanical scarab, combine it with the winding key and go back to where you found the last one. Cleopatra's Palace Put the beetle in the space on the floor and run behind the insect to avoid the spikes. Get it back and pick up the Gauntlet from the casket further on. Head back to the hall and repeat the process with the next set of spikes. Jump and grab on to the lever up on the wall, shimmy along and get the Right Greave from another casket. Go through the doors that have opened and get the Pharaoh's knot from yet another casket. Go out and left to the semicircular steps where you can place the knot. Climb on to the block after the bronze Lara has appeared, and protect it from the bird. Pull the two switches at the top, get the Hathor Effigy and the Ornate Handle, combine them and place the resulting Portal Guardian on top of the pole. After killing the guardians, you'll find the Left Greave and the Breast Plate.